September 2020 Note…

Dear students and community members . 

Welcome back!  

If you are anything like me .This seems to be the longest March Break ever. This year I will be heading up the Learning Centre and I am looking forward to working with students on many of their subjects. This will be a somewhat different year with the same old friendly faces here to great everyone and keep them safe. The friendly faces will be weathering masks but  will be ready to start the year on a positive footing. 

Well, that’s it for me. 

See you all very soon.
Mr. Mac

September 2020 Note…

Hello everyone!!!

Welcome back to the 2020-2021 School year at LSK. I know that everything will look different this year, but all of the teachers and staff at LSK are excited to see students faces. I am the grade 7 homeroom teacher again this year, teaching them English, Health, and Science. I will be teaching Grade 8 and 9 Science as well. I’m looking forward to getting back to routine and back to teaching. Myself, the grade 8 homeroom and grade 9 homeroom teacher will be creating an introduction video and posting it soon! I hope all the students are excited to come back and begin the new year of learning. See you all soon!

Erika Hilchey

September 2020 Note…

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be back teaching Grade 2 for this upcoming school year, I’m also excited to welcome all the students back to LSK from their summer vacations. This school year at LSK will look a little different from other school years but we’re putting student’s health and safety as our number one priority. We’ve put numerous measures and procedures in place to keep everyone at LSK safe. Our school as created classroom bubbles to keep our students social distanced and while the students are in our classroom bubble they will not be required to wear a mask however; grade 2 students will be required to wear a mask on the bus and in the hallways. We’ve also decluttered our classrooms so that only essential teaching materials have been left. Desks and tables within the classrooms have also been spread out to help promote social distancing within the classroom.

As for what the students will be learning in class, students will still be learning all your typical subjects such as Math, English, Science, Social studies, Mi’kmaq and Art. Routines and schedules will be prioritized early on in the school year due to the students having an extended break away from their classrooms. This will help students become familiar with the new routines and schedules put in place to help protect everyone’s safety. Hand washing and sanitizing will also be prioritized to help enhance the safety at our school. Technology will be incorporated into lesson more than ever to insure the students are comfortable with their new chrome books so that in the event school is moved to at home learning the students will already be familiar with the platforms and websites used as educational tools. I’m excited to kick off this new school year and I’m looking forward to welcoming all the students back.

Elementary Guidance September 2020 Note…


I hope everyone is well and safe in these turbulent times.  For those of you who don’t know me, my Name is Mary Davies and I teach 2 classes of senior high a semester and the other half of my timetable is devoted to Guidance Counselling for P-6 and any student who feels more comfortable speaking with a female counsellor. This is my 11th year at LSK and I’m going strong!  If you would like your child to visit me on a regular basis, please inform their teacher who will, in turn, inform me so that I can add them to my schedule.  Please rest assured that the LSK staff’s first priority is the safety of your children. Yes, we are in different and difficult times but, as Maya Angelou says,

“It’s not how well we weather the storm, but that we learn to dance in the rain.”

Principal’s September 2020 Note…

We miss all of our students and are excited to teach and interact with our students once again.  It was a long March break.  I am looking forward to hearing and seeing all of our students.  Your child’s physical and mental well-being is a top priority to us this year.  We are working even harder to develop stronger relationships with each other, our students and our community.  This year is a very different year, unlike any other we have experienced.  

Please see our opening plan and video on our website, or via our Facebook Group, L’nu Sipuk Kina’muokuom.  Please be patient as some of our plans have been changing since we have announced our original plans.  Covid is new to all of us and we are working diligently to provide a safe learning environment for all of our students as we are provided with new information.  We will no longer be washing masks because it was recommended to us to air dry all masks, rather than using the dryer.  In addition, we will be taking temperatures by the wrists and following the new Covid symptoms update.  Things are changing rapidly but we feel it is important to communicate as much as possible, as soon as possible, especially when things change.

We understand parents’ and students’ anxiety is on the rise.  We have been told the world is unsafe and we have modelled to our children that the world is unsafe.  Our staff members also have an increase in their anxiety.  The only way we can overcome this is if we work together by communicating, supporting one another, and modelling kindness.  Please feel free to reach out to us at any time as building strong relationships is one of our top priorities this year.

Ms. Kelly Oliver

High School Guidance September 2020 Note…

My name is Bryan Brooks and I recently switched roles from being the Physical Education teacher to the School Counsellor for Junior High and High School.  I am not limited to just Junior High and High School.  If your child is in the elementary grades and you wish that I work with him or her, please do not hesitate to reach out.

When entering my office, there will be a hand sanitizer at the door that every student and teacher will be required to use when entering and leaving.  During individual counselling, students do not need to wear a mask since we will be 6ft apart, but during group sessions, everyone will be required to wear a mask.  The first week of school, I will be going class to class to explain my role and how sessions will work this year.

It has been a while since we were all under one roof but I assure you, teachers, staff and administration will be working hard to make this school as safe as possible.  There are directional stickers on the floor, hand sanitizing stations throughout the school, stops signs on the doors and rules/procedures that are in place.  We have a great team at LSK and we are excited to start this school year 

Bryan Brooks
School Counsellor

September 2020 Note…

Wela’lin!  I would like to welcome everyone back to LSK for the start of another school year. I have been looking forward to returning to the building to work with staff and students after all we have been through during these unprecedented times. Even though the school experience is going to feel different this year, it is still going to be great to see everyone again. With the pandemic still ongoing, there is going to be an emphasis on digital learning, self-care and mutual respect. It is only by working together that we all will not only just survive, but thrive. I’m excited to help my students thrive this year and into the future.

September 2020 Note…

Grade 5 Classroom

It’s that time of year again. I hope you all had a safe and fun March Break/Summer.  I have been busy getting our classroom set up for you all to come back.The last few months have been hard on everyone, but we are all in this together. I can’t wait to meet you all and welcome you to our room. The school will look a little different than when you left, but we are all working hard to make sure it is the safest environment that we can make it for you.

My name is Ms. Rae, I will be your Grade 5 teacher this year. In our class this year, we are focusing on keeping a healthy mind and body. The beginning of the year, we will focus on getting back into the school routine and all the new changes.This year, Grade 5’s will need to wear a mask on the bus, in the hallways, and any time they are in the classroom not at their desks. I have the desks spaced out so that they will have an opportunity to take their mask off during the day. We will be having recess and lunch in our classroom. 

I welcome parent communication and am here to address any concerns for this coming year in Grade 5. Feel free to email me at

September 2020 Note…

Welcome back everyone!!!  It has been a very stressful few months and hopefully, we can get back to some type of normality amidst these very trying times.  This school year is going to look a lot different from previous years, but by working together and supporting each other, we should be able to defy the odds of adversity and the unknown.  We just need to take it one day at a time.

I must admit that I have missed our students, especially their hugs and ‘high-fives’.  Unfortunately, with social distancing measures, we can’t do it this year so I am warning everyone now… I am saving my hugs for when this pandemic is over!!!  

There are going to be a few changes with the library sessions this year.  I will be conducting library classes in the classroom and any books that have been borrowed will have to be isolated for a few days so that we can ensure that no germs are passed on.  It is going to be a lot of work and I am hoping that I have everyone’s cooperation and assistance.