It’s that time of year again. I hope you all had a safe and fun March Break/Summer. I have been busy getting our classroom set up for you all to come back.The last few months have been hard on everyone, but we are all in this together. I can’t wait to meet you all and welcome you to our room. The school will look a little different than when you left, but we are all working hard to make sure it is the safest environment that we can make it for you.
My name is Ms. Rae, I will be your Grade 5 teacher this year. In our class this year, we are focusing on keeping a healthy mind and body. The beginning of the year, we will focus on getting back into the school routine and all the new changes.This year, Grade 5’s will need to wear a mask on the bus, in the hallways, and any time they are in the classroom not at their desks. I have the desks spaced out so that they will have an opportunity to take their mask off during the day. We will be having recess and lunch in our classroom.
I welcome parent communication and am here to address any concerns for this coming year in Grade 5. Feel free to email me at