September 2020 Note…

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be back teaching Grade 2 for this upcoming school year, I’m also excited to welcome all the students back to LSK from their summer vacations. This school year at LSK will look a little different from other school years but we’re putting student’s health and safety as our number one priority. We’ve put numerous measures and procedures in place to keep everyone at LSK safe. Our school as created classroom bubbles to keep our students social distanced and while the students are in our classroom bubble they will not be required to wear a mask however; grade 2 students will be required to wear a mask on the bus and in the hallways. We’ve also decluttered our classrooms so that only essential teaching materials have been left. Desks and tables within the classrooms have also been spread out to help promote social distancing within the classroom.

As for what the students will be learning in class, students will still be learning all your typical subjects such as Math, English, Science, Social studies, Mi’kmaq and Art. Routines and schedules will be prioritized early on in the school year due to the students having an extended break away from their classrooms. This will help students become familiar with the new routines and schedules put in place to help protect everyone’s safety. Hand washing and sanitizing will also be prioritized to help enhance the safety at our school. Technology will be incorporated into lesson more than ever to insure the students are comfortable with their new chrome books so that in the event school is moved to at home learning the students will already be familiar with the platforms and websites used as educational tools. I’m excited to kick off this new school year and I’m looking forward to welcoming all the students back.