Well, here we are folks! Back to virtual learning. I must say I am very pleased with the turnouts at class and the participation. Seesaw is our main platform for doing work and submitting it for evaluation. All login info for seesaw and our other apps have been emailed to both grown ups and students. If you need help at any time, please let me know, I am always happy to help!
During these hard times, it’s important for our kids to have consistency especially when it comes to their education. What is also important is getting outside when we can, having open conversations about how we are feeling and doing things that bring us joy. I give a huge shout out to parents and guardians at home helping their kids get work done and logged in each day. I cannot even express how much I appreciate you and your efforts. If I had trophies I would do contactless delivery to each and every one of you.
Again, if you need any support at all, reach out to me. We are all in this together!
Over and Out!
Ms. Ambrah