We finished off 2020 learning from home and there was no doubt that this time around of at home learning was more successful than the first. Even with the success of at home learning, I’m super excited that we will be welcoming students back into the classroom starting in January. There’re somethings that can’t be replaced when we’re at school like social experiences and the support students receive on a daily basis. This is why I think the majority of people are excited to be coming back. However, with the excitement, our class can’t become complacent. In grade 2 we are going to maintain and follow all the protocols that were put in place in the fall to ensure the safety of everyone.
Once were back in the classroom students will be shifting their focus from fiction books to non- fiction where we will be highlighting features that include: table of contents, illustrations, photographs and captions. In math students will be starting their statistics and probability unit, where students will have to collect data, organize it and use it to problem solve. It’s going to be great to get back into the routines that were established before we left. I look forward to seeing all of our students back in the classroom.