Welta’si je na muine’jk naji kina’masijik. I am happy for the children for the new school year.
Your child’s physical and mental well-being is a top priority to us. The 2021/2022 school year will be a more normal school year than last. Students will eat in the cafeteria, attend specialty classes outside of their classroom and field trips will resume. We will continue to disinfect more regularly, take temperatures and wear masks in common areas until Nova Scotia enters into Phase 5. Many of our staff and older students have been
vaccinated. To continue to ensure the safety of our students, we provided a Pop Covid Testing site on the first day all staff returned to work from summer break.
We are very fortunate to have expanded our team here at LSK. I’d like to welcome Shane Shaw (Behaviour Interventionist), Elle Michael (Early Elementary Mi’kmaq Language Teacher), Lise Charbonneau (Jr High Teacher), Desiree Gillis (Grade 3 Teacher), GR Walters (High School Teacher) and our new EA’s, Jennifer Maloney, Derrick Nevin and welcome back Stacie Julian
Our school will be selling boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables as a part of a Nourish Your Roots fundraiser. Boxes are $35 a box. Ten dollars from each box will return to the school to fund our gardening projects for the spring. Online sales have begun and will continue until October 19th. Pick up will be in the community on October 27th, between 2:30-5:30. These are great for Thanksgiving.
This is our fourth year with the Martin Family Model School Literacy project for grades primary to three. The goal of the Model School Literacy Project is for 80% of our students to be reading at or above grade level by 3rd grade. Our school and teachers are provided a large variety of resources, which includes participating in weekly literacy sharing circles with other teachers, which are also a part of the project. Students start the day with 100 minutes of uninterrupted literacy time. It is important for all children to arrive on time and regularly.
At LSK it is important to us to incorporate our language, culture and outdoor education experiences. We are excited that this year we will be able to utilize the Cultural Trail more often as well as completing our greenhouse.
At LSK we value positive relationships with parents, students and community. We look forward to a year of great learning experiences.