The Primary class has been very busy learning lots of new things this past month. We have been learning about numbers in Math, we do lots of counting every day. We tell stories about numbers and make sets of numbers. In literacy we are learning our letters and the sounds they make. The students love learning the new sounds and letters. We would like to remind families to help students identify letters in their environment, around the house or while they’re out and about. Our sacred learning for the month of October was courage, our students have been showing lots of courage while adjusting to the routines of school, some meeting new friends for the first time, and others who may be shy and are becoming more comfortable around their classmates! Great job Primary students! We have been discussing how brave and courageous the Sma’knis must have been while fighting in the war, we will remember all those brave Sma’knis on November 11, Remembrance Day. We would like to wish Sicily and Arellaina a happy birthday in November!
Mrs. Brooks