We have a new practicum student (Counselling) coming to LSK, Tara. She will be with us until the end of the school year. We will be sending our permission slips to parents/guardians of children from Primary – Grade 6. This is exciting to have more help to reach out to our students.
We will be starting our lobster trap making with the grade 9’s and some high school students in March. We will be working with fisheries to make this happen.
We are wrapping up our rabbit snaring with grades 4-12. The students learned a lot about snaring from patterns, making a snare, skinning a rabbit, cleaning and cooking. This project was put together by Greg Marr, Jon Michael and myself. We will continue this every year.
If your child wishes to have a chat, they can let their teacher know or stop in to arrange a time. Individual sessions, a mask is not required since we will be 6ft apart. Group sessions, a mask is required.
Hope all is well,
Bryan Brooks
Jr and Sr High School Counsellor