September 2021 Note…


Welcome back everyone.  I hope everyone enjoyed their summer break.  I am looking forward to a regular school year.  (We are almost there).  We are still wearing masks AND social distancing at the school till we reach Phase 5 which is expected on September 15th.  Let’s all do our parts so we can move forward to Phase 5.  With this comes some good changes as our Music, Mi’kmaq & P.E. classes will be held in their designated classrooms now and most excitingly, FIELD TRIPS will come BACK.  Yah!

Grade four is a big Change for them.  They are now the new kids on the block with the big kids upstairs and they get their own lockers.  (This is a big thing for them).

September is always a busy month with getting to know each other, going over classroom rules, routine and expectations, and the biggest part is literacy & math assessments.

In ELA, we will be working on personal narrative writing.  In Math, we will be learning to read, write and represent numbers to 10,000.  I Health, we will be learning about healthy relationships and the Growth Mindset.

Every month we send out a LSK Newsletter & Calendar with important dates and information.

I hope everyone has a great 2021-2022 school year!