The grades 4-6 went on their first field trip of the school year to Noggins Counter Farm on September 28th. Everyone enjoyed their time picking fresh apples, going on a wagon ride, getting lost in the corn maze and playing on their new play structures.
We participated in the First National Orange shirt day. We honoured our Residential School Survivors and the ones that didn’t. We made posters and orange medicine ties. We also made Magit Dolls to honour Elder Magit Poulette’s Story.
October is Mi’kmaq History Month. We will be learning about Treaty Education, and the 92 calls of actions from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). The TRC calls to action addresses the ongoing impact of residential schools on survivors and their families.
** Technology: We will be using Chromebook to learn computer skills like, how to check and send an email, signing into our google classroom and apps that we will be using. Most importantly, how to stay safe online. If your child has a Chromebook at home can you please have them bring them to class.
Ms. Stephens