It is hard to believe the semester is well over half way done. In class, the Grade Eleven students are working on their Social Justice Units and are currently completing a Novel Study on Systemic Racism. In Grade Ten, we are working on our Drama Unit. From there we will finish up with Poetry, Media Text and Persuasive Writing Units to bring the end of year to a close.
We have transitioned to online, but that does not change the expectations for students or responsibility. Every day we complete outcomes virtually, to ensure they cover the ELA Provincial Outcomes. Please ensure your student is able to attend class and takes responsibility to make up missed classes and work. VIrtual schooling is a great tool to prepare students to be adult independent learners. In High School this is the next stage so trying your best in virtual school will help prepare for your life transitions to College or University.
Stay safe, and take care. We will meet again in person soon!