October 2021 Note…
Hello students and parents. We are nearly a month into our 2021-2022 school year and things are finally beginning to feel more normal. So far students have been working on…
September 2021 Note…
Hello everyone. Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready for a more normal school year! Here’s to hoping that things will return more to the way…
June 2021 Note…
Hello everyone! Well it seems like we are going to be able to finish our school year on a good note. It will be great to finally see you all face…
May 2021 Note…
Hello everyone! Well here we are once again getting ready to begin online learning. I understand the frustrations of such a task and admit that I myself do not enjoy teaching…
March 2021 Note…
Hello everyone! It is time again for another update on school activities. Here goes: Math 11 Essentials – So far this semester we have been focussing on what investments are…
February 2021 Note…
Well we have reached the end of our first semester (with a few hiccups along the way). This school year has been a very trying one, with Covid 19 trying…
December 2020 Note…
Hello everyone! Yes, once again we are learning from home, at least for a while. While we have no idea to how long the virus will keep us out of…
November 2020 Note…
Hello everyone and Happy Halloween! A quick update to let parents and guardians know that students are adapting well to the new Covid restrictions at LSK. Although attendance is suffering a…