March, Siewkesiku’s, means the forerunner of Spring. We are excited to have Spring on its way. February was full of snow days and outdoor learning experiences including rabbit snaring and cleaning with the Fisheries Guardians and Department of Land & Resources.
This month’s Seven Sacred teaching is humility, Wanqwajite’teken. Humility is to know yourself as a sacred part of Creation. In the Mi’kmaq language, this word can also mean “compassion.” You are equal to others, but you are not better. It is also considering others before yourself. The wolf represents humanity for its giving nature and devotion to working for the good of the whole pack.
We have been working on making our school a safe and welcoming environment where kids want to be. We want all kids to feel loved and valued and this is achieved through building strong positive relationships.
Winter Carnival is held every year the week before March Break, March 8th-12th. Due to COVID-19 procedures, this year’s Wintercarnival will look different and we will not be taking field trip. As we brought the pumpkin patch to LSK, we will also be bringing Cineplex movies to LSK by renting movies online and viewing them within our bubbles. We will continue to have theme days and activities associated with the days which include Mi’kmaq Day, Movie Day, Craft Day, Outdoor Day and Game Day. Due to the pandemic, our students have missed out on many of our normal fun traditional events, so we will work our best to make it as fun and enjoyable as we can, as our students definitely need it with everything that has been going on in the world.
March Break is March 16th-20th. Following March Break LSK will host a Virtual Science Fair. We hope you get to see the many exciting experiments our students are conducting.
We also hope to see the community at the AGA on the evening of March 9th. Please come to see the exciting things happening in the Education Department including an update on our Cultural trail.