Winter month, kesikewikus, is here and winter is near. We wish for wastew to cover the ground for Christmas. As it has been a hard year, 2020 is almost over and we wish for a better year for 2021.
Unfortunately, due to the rise Covid-19 cases in our area, LSK closed on Wednesday, November 25th and began virtual learning on Monday, November 30th until Friday, December 18th. In-person learning will be re-evaluated over the Christmas Break.
Before the closure we were preparing for the holidays, the Bazaar, installing our outdoor rink, virtual Christmas concerns and Christmas celebrations. We were sad to convert to virtual learning and change our plans; but students, staff and community members safety is our top priority.
Virtual learning will look different this year, compared to last year. This year all students are expected to participate in daily virtual learning. Teachers will be taking attendance and assessing students learning. Learning Center, Resource, Speech & Language, Counselling, OT, LLI teachers will contact their students/parents to continue support for their students.
Please see our virtual learning schedule. Students in Grades 4-12 will be using Google Classroom for virtual learning. Students in P-3 will meet one hour each day and be provided with additional activities to practice their skills. K3 and K4 will be provided with activities each week. A big thanks to the Sipekne’katik band, IT department and our Education Department, for providing Chromebook to all students to support digital learning.
At LSK we have been learning the Seven Sacred Teachings of Respect. We demonstrate respect by realizing the value of all people and things, and by showing courteous consideration and appreciation. We must give respect if we wish to be respected and treat others how we wish to be treated. The buffalo represents respect because it gave up it’s life and all parts of the buffalo was used to maintain balance. We honor our families and others, as well as ourselves. We are not to bring harm to anyone or anything. Respect is not just an action, but a heart-grown feeling. Each day we have been modelling respect with a quote of the day, along with our Mi’kmaq word of the day, in our morning announcements.
On behalf of the staff at LSK, Etawey Wli Nipi Alusutman aq Pusu’l Puna’ne. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!